Monday, April 20, 2009

day 41

Day 41
Today I woke 11am, this is because we slept at around 3 last night. Then after this we brush up and went out and have our breakfast and also buy things for the interactions. Then after that, we went back to our room and wait for 5 for the last interaction to start. But, while waiting for the time to past, Mr ma came to our room and check the fireworks that weather they all ready to for the night event after interaction. Then at 5, we went to the interaction and after that we played fireworks. Then we went back to our room and end a day like this.
During today’s interactions, it makes me think of our first interaction with them. It also let me thinks that time flies really fast. Our first meeting with them is like happen only 2 days ago. Then when we played the fireworks with them, from some of the students there, I can see that they really accepted us and really want us to stay and not to leave. To find this kind of friend in china is really hard, sometimes in Singapore is also hard. So good friends are really hard to find and you do not know who is your good friend until the day that you are leaving them.

Friday, April 17, 2009

day 40

Today I woke at 9.30, this is because we are going for our last shopping for this whole trip and we will not go to any shopping mall anymore. I brush up and prepare then went to meet my friends. Then after that we took the bus to the shopping mall and when we are reaching, we found that the bus that we took will let us alight only at the end of the shopping mall. Then we had no choice but to alight there. We walked for 15 mins and have our breakfast there and start shopping. Then we took 4 hours to shop and buy our things and we went back to our school after that. We bought all belts and figuring for our friends. Then when we reach the room we started to our own things and some of us played games while the others like me went to sleep. Then at night, we went for our dinner and went back to room and bath and sleep after all that. AND 2 DAYS TO GO BACK TO HOME!
Today, during dinner, I went to buy a cup of tea. Then after the lady have taken my orders, she asked me that why am I still here, she thought that we should go back already. This question surprises me as she notices us when are we leaving. This shows that even we are not the locals, the locals there pays attention to us. This makes me feels that they have accept us as one of them and it also makes me thinks that this place is like my another home too.

day 39

Today wake up at 12pm. Like last time, my friends went out shopping before I woke up and I am the only one left in room. Then I brush up and went back to my room after that. Then I went back and lie on my bed intending to sleep. Then after that, I found out that there are 1 or 2 of my friends did not went out to shop too, so we went to our first meal for the day. Then after that I stay in the room for whole day surfing net and sleep till my friend went back. Then after my friend went back we went for our dinner and shop outside the school and went back to our room.
Today I stay in the room for whole day and the only time I went out is for my meal. So is a boring day for me, but this whole of day of rest makes me feels more energetic.

day 38

Today I woke up at 9am, me and my friends are going to the it mall and get something for our friends and relative. Then after I wash up and prepare, I meet up with my friends and went for breakfast together and after that we went to the bus stop and wait for bus. We did not wait for the bus for too long and the bus comes and we board the bus. Then when we reach the place, we started to find those road stall where they sell those cheap and fake ipod. But we walk for quite long and we cannot even see a road stall. Then my friend realize that those road stall will only come out during weekends. So after hearing that, we had no choice but to go into the nearby mall and shop around and look for other things. Then we went back to the shop and buy mp3 for our friends and family. Then after that, me and ben went back to school while the rest continuing their shopping. Then back to school me and ben sweat a lot, seems that the weather here have change. Then at night we went for dinner and after that went back to our room and end a day like this.

day 37

Today I woke up at 10, then we intent to go for breakfast, but we have our mini project interview at the afternoon, so we decided to wait till 1 then go and have our lunch and straight away go for our interview. Then we go for lunch and went to interview. Then when we reach the interview class, we sat down and show out program to our lecture and after that we went back to our room and do our own stuff till dinner. Then for dinner, we went to the road stall and eat and after that we went back to our room and end a day like this.
Today when we are eating at the road, I went to an bbq octopus stall. My friend said that the stall bbqing skill is good and their food is nice. So I went to get some. When I reach there, the one who cooks the octopus is a youngster. Then I started to think that the food is not so nice after all as a youngster is cooking it and he is lack of experience. Then when I ate the food, the food is really tasty and the octopus is cooked just nice. So through this I learn the real meaning of do not judge a book by its cover. The youngster may look no experience at all, but when you try the food he cooked, you will know how good he is.

day 36

Today I woke up at 10. When I woke up I can hear the voice of my friends, they are like usual, waiting for me to wake up and go for breakfast together. Then we went back to our room and do our own things till 4. At 4 we went to play table tennis and after that we went to have our dinner. Then we went for briefing and come back and bath and end a day like this.
Today when I played table tennis, I found that it is a very hard sport to play. When I watch on tv, I always thought that the game is easy to play, because we only need to keep a small in a big table that’s all what table tennis is. But today when I played, I found out that when you are playing you cannot hit the ball too hard as the ball is very light and it is very easy for it to fly out of the table. Some more holding the bat and controlling the direction of the ball is also hard. The ball can fly out even if you just touch it. in short, what a hard game to play.

day 35

Today I wake up at 7. We are suppose to meet at 8am. Then I quickly brush up and prepare and wait for my friend in the living room. Everyday Ben is the one that come down to call us, but today we went up to call him. Then after that we rush to canteen to have our breakfast. But when we are buying half way, a guy called us to hurry, so we rush to the place where we bbq there. When we reach there, we are the first course that reached there. So while waiting for other course people to come, the instructor there went to play a game with us. The game is about cents and dollars, boys are 50 cents and girls are 1 dollars. Then when the instructor calls for a amount we are suppose to from up that amount. Those we fail to form up that amount will do something. Then after that the people from other courses came. Then we were divided into 4 groups and start to design our own flag and come up with our own cheer. Then after that we are suppose to use newspaper to make the rails of a tank wheel and all of us must be inside the rail. Then after that activity is lunch break and we have time to rest till 1pm and meet at 1.15. When we were back from the break, we went to played some “tall games”. The first one is we need climb to the top and jump down, the second one is to tied your hand and fall down from a height and trust the guys from below to catch you. The last one is rock climbing. Then after that, we went for dinner and call it a day.
Today’s first activity, I think that the activity is quite good to “sabo” your own friends, as long you have enough people, you can kick them out. Then they have no more time to find others and they will get it. Then for the second one it has a bit of challenge, the challenge is at the part where you have to jump to another board. When you are jumping, at the same time you are looking at below too. But I do not know how I manage to jump over. The third activity, I just count down and trust those below catching me, because I think that they won’t let me fall. The rock climbing activity is the most challenging one. It put my perseverance and strength to test. At first, it was quite smooth but half way through I stop and think for a moment but I still manage to continue moving up. But when I was about to reach the end, I struggle there for very long, because both my legs and hand are too short to reach the other rock. So I tried to jump to hold the other rock. In the end both my legs and hands are out of energy and let off the rock and I fell down. I knew that I am not able to make it to the top, but neither do I knew that I climb quite high. The struggling part is the part I am disappoint of. Because I thought that I can reach at first, but eventually I can’t touch the other rock.

day 34

Today I wake up at 10am. Then when I wake up most of my friends were already went out for breakfast and left me and shugen in the dorm. I brush up and went back to my room and do some of my work while waiting for shugen to wake up. After a while, shugen wake up and we meet the others at canteen 2 for lunch. When we reach canteen we saw our friends and they are along with Mr Chua. Then we ordered our food and talk with him until 1 plus. Then after that we went back to our room and get some stuffs and prepare to go for the 2pm class. Then at the 2pm class, not all of the class were present, only half of us are there. Our lecture went through some paper with us to prepare us for the coming test for Wednesday, which is the last test of this trip. Then after that lesson we went to the new canteen and have our dinner. Then we went down to a shop below the canteen and bought some games. Then we went back to our room, I tried to install the game. The game run quite successful and I am able to play it compare to the last 2 games that I have bought. But the games did not last long, I played for 10 mins the game starts to crash and eventually I am not able to play it. then after that I do my own things till we are sleepy and went to bed. This is how we spend the day.
Today’s class is quite helpful to me as it revise most of the chapters for the coming test. Today class help me to some doubts on chapter 6 and 7 which is the weakest chapter for me in the whole module. I think that today is useful because there are less people and can make me focus well rather than a whole class. Some more cheap stuff are good but with limitations, after buying 3 games and not able to play one I swear that I will not buy anything from this school anymore.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Photo Essay

Food and thier Stalls

This is a fast food restuarant that i saw in china. this restuarant sells rice dishes and fries but no burger is sold in this shop. The price of their food are same as other fast food restaurant.

This is what a drink stall menu looks like. They usually put it on top of thier stall. Price of a item are usually state beside the food. But drinks are different as the price is depends on the size of th cup.

This is thier clay pot rice. They used rice that is cooked and put it into the pot and then the fry the indgredients ( depends on what you order), and then put the fried indgredients with the rice in the pot and cook it for a while and thats how thier clay pot rice is preapre.

The fishball soup looks like a normal soup but the only thing you will find werid is they use basin to hold and serve the soup. The other thing is that the fishball when you ate it, you will find that the texture is different from usually what you have. This is because thier fishball did not add other ingredients, they uses the meat from the fish and smash it into mud texture and make it into like a ball shape. So when u eat it i do not have those bouncy type of feeling.

This is another dish that you will find it werid because of the thing that they use to serve. In singapore, most of the non- soup dishes will usually serve by using a big plate or small one depends on the amount. But here some of the non-soup dish like this serve by using a frying pan looking thing.

This is a dish call soup bun, in chinese we call it tang bao. This dish is a dish which the filling of the bun is soup. For those whom do not know these dish may fail to tatse the real tatse of the soup inside the bun as they break the skin when they are taking it.

These is also the same dish as the above. But you see this bun looks not different, but when you taste it the amount of soup coming out is different from the above. So this dish may look the same, but in order to find a good one you will have to tatse it yourself.

This ia a pizza that we got it from the local pizza hunt. They do not serve cheese powder with the pizza and you will have to eat it without extra cheese. But overall it is a worth one to try.

A picture shows a bread shop's cake or dessert. In their shop, food are often arrange like this and a shop like most of it can sell up to 20-30 plus types of different bread or cake.

This is their own mash potatoe. They can buy instant one like this in the supermart. Comparing the mash potatoe in singapore and china, chian one will taste a bit tatseless as their mash potatoe is really only mashing up the potatoe, while singapore one will add a bit of sauce on top of it.

This is the road stall that sells deep fry food. The number of different types of food they sell can make you hard to decide which one to eat. But be sure to ask which type of meat it is as some sells dog meat.

They also sell french fries, but the french fries you see in this picture is already cooked. But then, this is what you will see before you order your fries. That means that they will deep fry the fries again when you ordered it. So the fries will taste quite oily when you are having it.

This is the machine that they use to cook to food. But take a look of the colour of the oil. It is black in colour. They use the same oil to recook people's order over and over again and thus the oil become black and it is very unheathly to consume it. I think that the oil they only change it when they open the other day. This is where your food will be place after your order is ready. They will ask you which of these bottle of sauce you want and add in according. For fries, they only had chilly and tomatoe sauce, while the rest they have everything which includes the green bottle, which contian special spicies powder which made taste a bit spicy.

This stall sells fry dumplings. The fry dumplings can be in the road stall ad normaly at evening time. Because during day time, the china people will eat steam dumplings and not fry ones. There is one more thing that they sell is a burger like food. But they uses bun to replace to bread. In china is common to see road stalls. But normall for all raod stall, they will either use a bike or a bicycle to help them to move thier stall around. But for this one, is uncommon, because they modify their into kitchen and cook and do business inside their car. A unique way of cooking food. They threw the bun or biscuits and stick it inside the pot. The fire burns at the bottom of the pot and make the whole pot hot. Then by sticking the food inside the pot the heat will cook the food.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 33

Today I woke up at 9.30. me and my friends are going out for shopping and we are meeting at 10 for breakfast. We ate at the same canteen and after that we went to take the bus to the shopping mall. The shopping mall is located at the place where our last trip is. We walk to the bus stop and saw the bus that we wanted to take, so we ran towards the bus. After a short run we manage to catch up the bus. But in the end they said that some bus of the same number does not go to place where the other buses of the same number would. So we had no choice but to wait other bus. Then we waited for another and board it and reach the place at around 1 hour after we board. Then we starting to shop around. The whole place is fill with nike and addias shop. Both of their prices are expensive than Singapore. After 1-2 hours of shopping, we are hungry and went to their local pizza hut for lunch. Their pizza hut compare to Singapore is much more so each of us order a 10 inch pizza for our self to eat. Then after that we went back for more shopping. But we found that there is nothing else for us to shop there so we decide to go back. We take the cab and start to go back to the school. On the way back, the taxi uncle talk to us a lot. His question were all asking concerning money. At first we are all very worry, because we thought that after we told him he will take us to somewhere to sell. Then after that he starts to get into normal topic and when there is a jam, he offer us smoke and talk all the way after that. We took about 1 hour plus to reach back to school. then after we reach, we take a break and ernest invite us to go up to his room to have cake because today is his mother birthday and he bought a cake and celebrate with her through webcam. After that I went back to room and went to bed.
Today the taxi uncle has bought me into another vision of china. I always thought that china people are always selfish and trying to lie on others. But this taxi uncle is very friendly keep talking to us and even answer some of the questions we ask us, some more, he even offer us things. This is a scene that we can hardly see in Singapore. So the taxi have prove to me that in a country there are not only 1 type of people, there are still other type of people that I have haven encounter before.

On the way we found a big ice-cream

A nice delcious looking pizza

Eating my pizza

A group photo

Day 32

Today I wake up at 1pm. This is the new latest time I have ever wake up in china. This is also because I slept at 4 am yesterday. After I woke up, all my friends are shouting at me and asked me to prepare quickly cause they had waited me for 4 hours, for breakfast, but in fact is lunch already. After prepare we walk to the canteen and took our 1st meal of the day. After the breakfast, we went back to our room and prepare to go out. The first stop we went to is the clothes washing shop. My friend went to collect their clothes. Then we went to buy medicine. In the shop the shop keeper is very rude. The way she talk and her eye contact is really like we own her something, even she change the money, she threw the money at the counter instead of putting it in my friends hand. Then after that we went to the nearby shopping mall to buy some poker chips. But in the end we still can’t find any. Then after that we went back to our room and do our own things and play games. Then we had dinner at around 7.30 and surf the net and went to bed after that.
Today in the clothes washing shop I found out something. The place itself can say clean in (when u are comparing in china), but the board the use to iron the clothes is cover with a white cloth and the cloth is yellow in colour. Then I am starting to think that is the clothes that you send it to wash I cleaner than washing it by yourself. But for someone they would think than is clean because they paid money. But for me I think I am not sending my clothes to wash after looking at their iron board.

Day 31

Today I wake up at 8.10 and finally a day lesson that start at 8 after 2 days of 8 am lesson. I brush up and prepare and went down and meet my friends and have breakfast. Today’s morning rain quite alittle making the temperature lower than expected. Then we went go class and go for lesson. Today in class, we went through our test 1. I am quite happy with my results, but I made some mistakes that should not be made. t. Then after going through the answer, I found out that we do not have lessons in the afternoon, so after our lunch we went back to our room and rest and do our own work. We played some games and do project . At 7 we went out for dinner and after dinner we went back to the room and play and end a day like this.

Through this test I found out that even I studied everything for the test, I will still some mistakes and those mistakes is so small that I did not even notice it during the test. So for the next test I must look out for those small mistakes and of course the other mistakes that I had made in the past.

Day 30

Today I woke up at 7 again, today’s lesson is also at 8am. The 2 days straight of 8 am lesson is killing me and lack of sleep. I drag my foot step to the toilet and brush up and prepare and went to meet my friends for breakfast. Then we went to class to continue the china lecture lesson that we stop yesterday. The lecture today is talking about Taoism and Buddism. Buddism is from india and it came to china, and it becomes one of the 3 pillars in Chinese culture. Then after that, we went for lunch break and went back to our room. I washed my clothes, and the others sleep and play. At around 1.50 we leave and went for another Is lecture. This lecture was in another room the room has earphones. We are suppose to put on the earphones and the lecture there also puts on the earphones and he talk through it we are able to hear him. The topic is about feng shui and married culture. After the lecture, we went back to room and played some games. After that at 7.30 we went for dinner and go back to room again and bath and end a day.
Today in the second lecture I found out something about feng shui. According to feng shui, in our home the bed room seems to have the greatest challenge to arrange and good one. This is because most of the bad feng shui we can at least find one in most of the house. So I was thinking that feng shu can really affect a person life? To this I have no answer because each and everyone have their own believes, and on earth, I am sure that there are many people will go according to feng shui and make MANY adjustment just to make them feel comfortable or get a good feng shui.

Day 29

Today I woke up at 7 am because we had a lecture at 8am. I brush up and prepare and meet my friends for breakfast. When we reach the canteen today the canteen is full of people and we cannot even find a seat to sit. The china students are also having lessons at 8 am so they come down to the canteen and buy some food and that’s why the canteen is so pack. So we take away the food and eat it outside the class and went into the class after that. The class is about kong fu zi, whose teaching influence some of the asian country. Then after that we went for lunch and we went back to our room after that. I the room, I slept again and woke up at 1.50 and went to class. The afternoon class is just doing our own things like journal and mini project. After the class we went back to our room and put our stuffs and went to play basketball. After playing we went for our dinner and went back to our room. I bathed and played some games and went to bed.

I learn a lot in today’s lecture. The three relationship, is one of them. People says that the young must always respect the elderly, this is true. But the three relationship have teach me that we all must respect each other regardless of your age and states. Like a students must listen to teacher but on the other hand the teacher also must listen to his students. One more thing that leaves me a deep impression is the sentence, “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you”. This sentence is really very “true”. If most of the people understands this sentence and willing to behave on what the sentence has said, this world will have lesser prank or cheat cases.

Day 28

Today I wake up at 8. This is consider late as the class starts at 9. I quickly brush up and prepare and wait for the others in the living room. I quickly brush up and prepare and wait for the others in the living room. Then we reach the canteen at about 9.30,but by the time we reach there, we still have enough time to eat and sit. We went to class after that. Today’s lesson is about lab 7, which our teacher says that it is the most important chapter in the whole module. I close my laptop and pay attention to the class. But same as yesterday, I still cannot understand a thing about the chapter expect for the first few part of the chapter. The lecture and tutorial last for the whole morning lessons, after that we went for lunch and after lunch, we went back to our room and found out that we have 1 and a half hour more before the lesson start. So I went back and sleep, and other of my friends went to play cards or watch television. So still the same as yesterday, I woke up at 1.30 and leave the room at 1.50. When we reach the class, we were asked to do lab 7. So I took out the worksheet and started to do the lab. I went around the class and look at others coding for reference, but I still do not know how to do even after looking at their work. My friend saw me sitting there and came over and teach me and I understand about the lab after he thought me. After that we had our dinner and went back to room and end a day like that.

Sometimes even you pay attention and listen to your teachers words will not help you in any module. This is because you never even understand a thing. This is what i learn from today. knowing a thing withour understanding it is equal to learn nothing

day 27

Today I wake up at 8 pm, brush up and prepare is always the thing to do. Then meet my friends and go back to the same old canteen to have our breakfast. I wore my jacket, the jacket is full of the bbq smell. I wanted to wash but the weather outside is very cold, I dare not go out without a jacket, so I had no choice but to wear it. Then after that we went back to class and have our lessons. Today’s lesson is about lab6, a topic which leads me to a real confusion. Our teacher explain to us every detail of the lab, but I still can’t understand a thing about it. So I went to other reference so as to let me to understand the lab. I went to open a program which had the code which is the same as the lab I am going to lab. I tried looking and the reference and doing it at the same time, in the end, I manage to complete it before lunch time. Then after compelting the work, we went for our lunch. After lunch we back to our room, I slept and the others went to play cards. I wake up at around 1.30 and we all went out at 1.50. When I reach the class, I show the teacher the lab and I thought I could call it a day. But he told me that there is part B in this lab. I went back to do the part B of this lab, I study the example for 3 hours I could not understand a thing. So we went for a early dinner and went back to our dorm. Then some of my friends come down to our dorm and do the lab together, I also joined in and do the lab. while doing the lab, I went to wash my jacket. I soaked my jacket in the soap and when I pour the water out, it was all black. I suddenly think of the black paint in my house and wonder how long have I been wearing that jacket. I soak it for around 4-5 times then the water starts to turn yellow. After that, we went to watch a tv program which shows the top 50 goalkeeper saves in the world. The first one the goal keeper uses he legs to hit the ball away rather than using his hand. This save leave a very deep impression. After that we went to play some game and sleep.

day 26

Today I wake up at 11am. This is record for me, the latest that I have wake up in china. When I wake up most of my friends are gone as they all went to the IT mall around at 10am. I drag my foot step and walk into the toilet and brush up. then after that I went back to my room and kennith says that they are going for breakfast and ask me to hurry. I was too lazy to change into my long pants so I change my short pants and went down to meet them. After I reached the stairs I immediately regretted, because outside was really very cold, but I also cannot go back to my room as the key is have not with me, so I run to the canteen. The canteen was quite pack at that time because it is around lunch time already. I ordered a plate of rice and tea and after that we went back to our room. Then back at the room I played games. After playing games, I went to toilet and after that I do some mini project. I took some time to draw the interface on a paper then do it on the program. After that, I went to play basketball with one or 2 of my friends. Then on the way to basketball court my friends that went out this morning came back. They went for their lunch and we go shoot some balls. Then at around 5, 1 of our friends went to the bbq with the china students, we followed them afterwards. When we first reached the place where we bbq we thought we went wrong. Because the place is like a mixture of many different place. There are cannons , animals, and even game charcter, and they named the place cluture village. Then we went into the place and prepare for bbq. Their bbq is using a long retangluar box and put the charcoal in the box and place the food in between that. They never use aluimum at all. We start trying to start the fire and burn the charcoal, we for 1 hour and we cannot even have ember of the charcoal. In the end some of our friends came to help us and we pluck a amount of dry grass to replace fire starter. After another 1hour more, the fire is finally started and we start bbqing the food. The food they prepare is like normal china food salty and oily. While eating, the sky slowly turns dark and the place where we bbq do not even have a lamp post. So one of our friends went back to the room and take his torch light. The light was really very useful for us as it can help us see clearer and check the food. After a while there are dogs coming into our bbq area, the ate the bone which we threw. After the bbq most of us were still not full, so we went to fish ball soup and some rice. After that we went back to our room and I bath and slept straight without knowing it.

Using dry grasses to start the fire

Trying and tatsing the food

Using torch light as the only light

Food looks not bad

Day 25

Today I wake up at 7.20, we are going to visit a park and go for shopping. I brush up and have my breakfast and went out to meet my friends. Today the weather is raining and I was feeling freezing cold. The cold is like stinging at my skin. I regretted that I left my coat in the room. I did not bring it because I thought that the weather should be fine like the past few days, in the end today weather is the coldest in this week. We all were very punctual and meet at the gate at 8.15. but the tour guide says that the bus will be late for 10 mins, so we went off to the nearest canteen and bought some hot tea to keep us warm. After we bought the tea, the bus also just arrived. We board the bus and move on to our denstiation. The trip took around only 1 hour which is faster than we thought. When we alight the bus the rain is still very heavy. We all stopped at the shelter for 5 – 10 mins and our teacher says that the visit to the park is cancel, and today’s trip is only shop at their street. So we follow the tour guide and run towards the street and we ended up in their fast food restaurant. The restaurant sells rice and other things that a fast food restaurant will sell. I ordered their rice and try. I was quite disappointed because the rice they give is so little and the drinks in the set meal is like the size of a happy meal cup. After that , we went on shopping. We first visited a few shops, but the weather is too cold and is raining, me and some of my friends almost did not want to continue shopping. They bought some umbrella and lend it to us for us to shop with them. So we took the umbrella they bought and went shopping. The whole streets sells sports shoe and jackets ,shirts and clothes and pants all that. You can also find most of the branded stuffs like nike, addias, and some other brand that you may haven seen it before. While shopping, there are people there asking you to buy nike shoes and stuffs like that. These people sells fake stuffs and according to our tour guide this people will ask you to follow them into a street and force you to but stuffs from them if you follow them. We ignore them and continue shopping. At around 1.30, me and two other friends went to have our lunch while the others continue shopping. We went back to the first shop and eat. We eat and slack till around 2.30pm, our friends came to meet us and we took the bus back to our school. On the way back some of them wanted to go a street where all the fake goods are sold. Ended up some of them become most of them went to the street expect for me and 7 other people. The bus alight them at the street and continue moving on to send us back to school. when I reach school I went back to my room and wash my clothes and played games till 8. Me and ben went to canteen to have our dinner and on the way back we saw the rest of the groups coming back from the street. We all went back to the room together and slack till 9.30 for briefing. After the briefing, I bathed and played some games and end a day like this. I slept quite late because it is free and easy tomorrow. And then 17 more days to back home.

The shop where we had our breakfast and lunch

A picture outside the park

A picture with the tour guide

A picture from our reflection in the mirror

day 24

Today I wake up at 8.30. This is because we are going to visit a cable and fibre making factory. I brush up and prepare and meet my friends and we went for breakfast. We had our breakfast in canteen 2, which is the first canteen that we had our first breakfast in china. It is around 9.15 am when we reach the canteen, and at this time most of the food are already sold out already and left only a few things to eat. I bought a bowl of noodles, the noodles is salty and oily when u mix with the sauce. But if u don’t the noodles will taste nicer. After a fatty breakfast, we went to meet the others in front the main building of the school. We board the bus and move to the factory. The trip is only about 15 to 20 minutes, it is faster than I expected. Then we walk into the main hall and they explain to use the process of making their product. Then after that, we went to visit the real process of their product. We are only allow to see one only .so we went to visit how they product their product. The process is first the clean the materials, after that they clean in, the pump in 2-3 types of gases into the materials. Then after that we see some wires that can be 200km long. Actually the whole process is very hard to understand, and the only thing I know is the factory helps their customer to make what they want. After that, we went back to school and when we reach they school we went straight for our lunch and after that we went back to our room. Then back in the room, I played some games and the others they studied because we have a test at 4 pm. I also studied, but I did that after my games. At around 3.30, we all went out of our room and went to class. We sat in the class and get ready for the test. The test is not so hard for me but still there are also some question that beats me. After the test, we all intend to eat, but on our way to the canteen the rain is getting heavier and heavier, so we decide to go back. Back in the room I play games again and wait for my friends to call for us for dinner. We wait till 7 to have our dinner, and after that we went out to buy some bread as the breakfast for tomorrow. Then back in the room, we played poker again. This time I did only 125 push up. we played till 11, then they all went back to their room and I bath and played some games again and end a day like this. 18 days more to be back in Singapore.

Day 23

Today I woke up at 7.50, as usual brush up and prepare and meet my friends for breakfast. Then after that we go to class for lessons. We walk into the class and saw Mr Chua in the class, we thought that he is here just to announce something and he will leave, but he did not. He said that Mr Ma injury his ankle and will not be teaching us this morning, he maybe will come for the afternoon lesson. We were all stun a bit, and this lesson we are doing our Is work like our journal and other stuffs that are related to Is. Then after the morning lessons, we went for our lunch. During the lunch we are guessing that will Mr.Ma come for lesson in the afternoon, most say no only a few said yes. After that we went back to our room and rest and we went out again at 1.55. We reach the class and saw was there, and we ask him how is he feeling right now, he says that he is feeling better already and he shake his legs in front of us. Then after that, he revise some theory with us because tommrow is our first theory test. After the lesson, we went to canteen 3 and buy some games. It took me about 20 minutes to choose one game. After I bought the game, we rush back to our own room and try our game. I put in the cd and the program runs, but I cant install it. So I retry over and over again but it still wont run. I gave up and threw the cd the one side and leave it there. After all these, we went for our dinner and after dinner we are back to our rooms again. I bathed and play some games and sleep. 19 more days to go back to Singapore!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

day 22

Day 22
Today I wake at 7.30, the lessons is back to normal again. I drag my foot steps and went to the toilet and do all the things that I need to do every morning. After all that meet friends and have breakfast together. Then after that, we to class and start to do our lab 5. I open a reference of lab 5 and look as I do, starting the coding went quite smooth I understand all the code and manage to do some of the buttons. But when I start to do some other buttons, some of the codes I have never seen before, so I look and look over the reference over and over again, but I still cannot understand. So I ask ernest for help. He tried to help me for a long time but he did not succeed in helping. I was about to give up one that time. I went to the toilet for a break with my friends. We talk awhile and went back to class. Then after that I go back to class and I continue to do my lab. I keep looking for the mistakes in the coding but I still cannot find it. I was too tried to find my mistake, so I call ernest to help me. This time ernest manage to find mistakes in my coding and after I edit the coding, my program mange to run. Then I call Mr.Ma to check my program and I am done for the lab. Then we went for lunch and go back to our room. When I reached the room, I straight into the toilet and start shitting. Then after that we went back to class for the afternoon lesson. The afternoon lessons is just doing some theory paper and going through after that. Then we off back to our rooms and rest. At around 6.30, we went outside and ate one of china best dim sum, the soup bun. We ordered 7 plates of that and we think that the soup bun there is only average because the soup inside the bun is not as much we think. Then after our dinner, I went to the road stall and bought some more food to eat. Then we went to the opposite shopping mall to buy some shampoo and soap and drinks. Then We went back to our room. I bath and played some games and end a day like this and 20 days more to go back to Singapore.

A plate of fried rice we ordered.

Soup Buns are nice

More of them!!

day 21

Today I wake up at 8 plus again. This is because my lab test is on the 10 am slot and is not on the 9 am slot. So I slowly prepare the things and meet my friend for breakfast. Half way during the breakfast, we receive a message saying that our time has been change to 10.20am. Is still early for us, so we bought some more food to eat till 10.20. We went into the class at 10.20 and start our test. When I first saw the paper I was quite happy with it because I looks the same as our trail lab test. But, when I do it, I found out that there a few steps different from what I did yesterday. I stopped doing the project for a while, and thinking it how to do. After a few seconds of thought, I solve all the doubts and finish the test. Then after that I stay in the class and wait for my friends to complete their test and we went off to lunch together. Today’s lunch time there were not so many people as compare to yesterday. So we ate and went back to the room. I did some laundry today as I found out that I have not much clothes to wear. Then after that we went to afternoon and our lecturer teach us lab5. This is the most troublesome lab for me. Because when the teacher teach this chapter, I cannot even understand a thing on that chapter. After the lecture, there is a pile of question mark hanging on my head. Then after the lesson, we went to play basketball. Then after that we went to have dinner and went back to our room and bath. Then at night, we watch some movies and we sleep after that.

day 20

Today I wake up at 8 plus. This is because the lesson at 9 is change to 10. I get off the bed slowly and prepare my things. Then we meet our friend as usual and went to canteen and have our breakfast. Then after our breakfast, we walk straight to class. In class is we continue lab4 again as some of the people have no finish the work. I walk around the class and talk to my friends. Today’s morning lesson past really very fast and did not even notice that it is lunch time already. We pack up our things and went for lunch. On the way to the canteen, there were a lot of china students going to the canteen too. The number of student is really that much that we think that the building will collapse. So we went back to our room and wait for 1 pm for our lunch. Then back to our room, I saw a movie that is show in the movie, the movie is so nice that I do not even want to have my lunch. That movie is about a family of martial arts learner who has an important card that contains information about some secret forces. Then after that, we went for our lunch and the whole canteen is totally empty only a few students and us. Then we went back to class for the afternoon lesson. Today afternoon’s lesson is different from other lessons. Today’s lesson our lecturer gave a trail lab test as tomorrow is our trail lab test. The actual test is about 1hour, but our lecture gave us one and half hour to do. We start the lab and I took about one hour and fifteen minutes to finish it. I am quite worry about for the test tomorrow as I only have one hour to complete the test. After that, we went back to the room and rest for a while. Then after that we went for our dinner. After dinner, we went back to our room to bath and rest and study on tomorrow test and end a day like this.

day 19

Today I woke up at 6.30. we are suppose to meet at 6.30 with the rest of the groups. I was shock by the time that I woke up. I quickly brush up and pack up everything and check out of the hotel. Then we went back to the same place to have our breakfast. The breakfast there is very awful, expect for the buns and the soya milk. Then after we board the bus and go to wudang mountain again. For today’s trip we are going to take the cable car and take it to the peak of wudang mountain. When we reach the place where we take the cable car, the place is fully pack with people and the queue was really very long. So we quickly join in the queue. After 15 minutes of waiting, we find that the queue is not moving at all, so we look out of the queue and found out that the china people are trying to cut in the queue and some even succeed in cutting in. we were all very mad with this and we decide to try to stop those people from cutting the queue. Then there is one time a lady trying to cut the queue from our back. We face her with our back and ignore her. She kept shouting and shouting but we still did not move. She was so mad and leave and start scolding. Then my friends were mad too and start scolding back. In the end she got scolded from us and moved out quietly. Then there is another time some old lady tried to cut our queue and we stop them and ended up she say we youngster are trying to bully her. In the end our tour guide and even the security guard went out and sent them off. After a 2 hours long of queue we finally manage to take the cable car. Me and Kennith share a cable car. The view out from the cable car is better than anything you can see. You can look down of the mountain while moving, it feels like you are flying along the mountain. The whole trip takes about 20 minutes and we finally reach the end of the cable trip. Then we climb up a few more stairs and finally we reach the peak of WUDANG MOUNTAIN. The view there is really beautiful, it makes you feels that the whole wudang is in your hands. Then after we went down by taking the cable car, and still the same we took about 2 more hours queuing up and to take the cable car down. After that we went for lunch and take the bus straight back to our school. The journey takes about 6 hours, but it feels very long, longer than 6 hours. After we reach outside the school, we went out to buy some food from the food stall and went back to our room and bath and sleep and end a day like this.

Queuing up waiting for our to take the car....

Harassment by other while queuing...
Still queuing....

Finally in cable (Me and Kennith)

Photo taken in cable car. Look at the other cabale car

Another photo taken form the view of the cable car

At the stairs of the moutian trying to get to the top...

day 18

Today I wake up at 6, because we have to meet at 6.50 and take a bus to wudang mountain. I brush up and went to sit in the toilet bowl for quite a while. After I come out of the toilet, I found out that it is 6.30 already. I quickly pack up my things and change clothes and run down to the bus and meet my friends. I reach the bus at around 6.55, and I thought that I was late but I was not. There are still a lot more people that did not reach the bus in time. So I take my bread and ate in the bus. After 5 minutes all of us have board the bus and the bus drive off to the mountain. In the bus the tour guide told us that it will take 6 hours to reach there. I was shock by the time and I have something to do in mind already. After the tour guide speaks, me and my friends did the same thing as we did in the last trip, which is sleep. We sleep and went down to toilet till the bus reach the place. When we first reach the place, it is the mountain foot. I expect the place to rain because this is what the weather forecast has predict, but it did not. We walk down the bus and took our lunch in a restaurant in the hotel. After the lunch we went to the hotel toilet. I step into the toilet,oh my god, the toilet is the worst one I have even been to in my life. The toilet is dark and the place is flooded with water. I cannot tell is it really water or mixture with other people’s urine. But I really need to pee and I have no choice but to use it. After that, we went back to bus and start touring the mountain. The first and second place we visited is only like god statue and some buildings , nothing in there interests me. But the last place interests me, because when I walk in, it is really like those Taoist temple that we always saw in the tv. Then the real thing that interest me is the place in there there is a real life Taoist and people learning martial arts inside the temple. The students there are around ages of 4-21. There is a little girl learning in there, she seems young, but her martial arts skills are speechless for me. Then after that we went back to the place where we had lunch and took our dinner there. Then after that we went to our hotel. The hotel rooms are very spooky to me because there are mirrors in front of the bed, and the windows are facing the trees. Then we meet at cristofer’s room and play cards and after that we went back to our own rooms and sleep.

Me and crish going for the rice

Photo at the small bridge of Tai zi Po

Dunno What we are pointing at

just a photo

Another photo with Mr ma

day 17

Day 17
Today I woke up at 8. Same thing prepare brush and meet friend and go to the canteen and have our breakfast. Then after that we went to class and have our appg lesson again. Today’s lesson is continue doing lab4. But I had done it the day before, so I thought I could slack and relax again. So I walk around and talk to those who has also finish their work. Then after awhile, our teacher wants us to do tuturoial 4, but that time I went back to my sit and start doing the enchantment of the project. I aim to finish the whole thing before I go to lunch, and I did it. I called for our lecturer and ask him to check our work. I waited for a while and finally Mr. Ma came and help me check. I thought I was going to pass for sure, but I dint expect the program to fail with certain error. So went off and went to check other people’s program. I look at the time and is lunch soon, so I had no choice but to let him check after lunch. So we went for lunch in ate in the same place and same thing. Then after lunch, we went back to our room. Some of us take a rest and some play cards. For me I wash my clothes. Then after that we went back for lessons. When I am in the class, I quickly called Mr.Ma and he help me checked my work and my program works. My program work this time and I can say that I am done with the day. Then after my programmed is checked, I went to help and my friends and listen to songs. After all my friend had done with the lab we went off back to our room. Then me and cristofer went back to our room first and kennith and shugen pass the key to us. We reach the main door and try to open to door with the key. We try and try but we still did not manage to open the door. In the end we wait for shu gen to come back and he opened the door for us. The reason why we do not how to open door because shu gen is the one always open that “problem” door. Then we stay in the room till 6.I was very for my result, so I went online and checked. Before I open the link, I pray really hard, and I hesitated awhile. After a long struggle, I press the link and open my result. And I passed, I shout and shout. After that we went for dinner and buy bread and went back to the room and end a day like this.

day 16

Today I wake at 7.45. the time is one of the earliest time I have wake up for a 9 oclock lesson in china. Prepare and brush doing all the same thing as before. Meet up my friends and went for breakfast. Then after that go to class and begin the lesson. Today lessons starts with lab3. For the first hour is quite relax for me as I have done the lab3 yesterday I do not have to do it, so I listen to some music and slack abit. Then after the first half hour, is quite slack for me and some of my friends. For the second hour, our teacher starts on lab4, which is the new lab of the week. As our teacher is explaining the lab, at the same time I read the notes and start to do the layout of the lab. The layout took me quite a while to finish it. Then I wrote some simple code and then we went for lunch. Today’s lunch starts at 11.15, it is consider quite early, so after our lunch, we still have quite some time to rest in our room. Some of us slept and some played cards. Then at around 1.50 we walk back to class. Then in class I started to do lab4. I was stuck at the calculated button for a very long time, and the thing I stuck is the checkbox. But after our teacher explained to us how to type the code, I solve the lab4 as soon as the button is settled. Then after that, at around 5, we had our dinner. Then we are afraid that we may get hungry in the night so we went to buy some cup noodles. We ate the cup noodles at 11 and we slept after that.

Day 15

Today I wake up at 6.45 because we have a lesson at 8 with a china teacher., the topic that the teacher will be going through is all about business. I met my friends and went on to eat breakfast. After our breakfast, we walk to same route to class. But as we walk we found out something different about today, the weather in wuhan is starting to get warmer and warmer. This is a good sign for me but not for kennith as he is the one who sweat the most everyday day in Singapore. Then when we reach class, Mr.Ma asks us to continue doing our lab3. So I take out my laptop on it and start doing. At first I do not know where to start, I walk around the class and chat with my friends. But after a while, all of my friends starts to do their work and begin to ignore me, I have no choice but to also follow them to do the work. I check the notes and example that the teacher give me and start to try to do the work. I do and do and do. Although I did not manage to finish it, but at least I know some basic things of the program and do some part of it. We went for a lunch break, and I do not know why, after the break I feel like I can finish the program, and true enough I manage to finish it. Then at 3pm, our teacher dismiss us and tell us to go to the so called “wuhan it mall”. We leave at around 4pm and we took a bus. Before we went into the bus, the bus was already pack with people, but we have no choice but to squee in with around 12 people more. We reach the place after 1hour. When I aboard the bus, I was shock by how many IT shopping mall and how big are all of them. Singapore really cannot compare with china. We shop around some malls, and some of the road stall. While shopping some of the road stall, I found out that other that IT items, there also got sell some ban item like guns, baton and knifes. We all bought screen protector and went back to school. we actually wanted to take the van home, but the uncle tell us lie saying that it takes 2 and a half hour to reach to our school and one van he charge us 70 rmb. So we didn’t even have a second thought and take bus straight. When we reach school, we have our dinner and went back to our room and end a day like that.

A photo with me and my friends infonrt of the IT mall

Day 14

Today I woke up at 8. I am felt moodless cause the toilet beside my room cannot use. Because the toilet is stuck again and cristofer shit is still in the bowl and when you open the lid of the toilet bowl and “beautiful scent” of his shit gush out of the bowl. Then I went into the other toilet and shit. After that same thing we eat. Then we walk to the bus for the industry trip. We are the last group to reach the bus as some of our friends are late. When I board up the bus, I am shocked as the bus only left 3 6 sits, but we have 6 people. So I have me and 2 of my friends had no choice, but to sit on someone else legs. We took about 1hr to reach a place. At first we thought that we reach the place already but we had not. We have to transfer another one bus and take a 45 minutes trip bus to the industry. Finally we reach the industry. When I walked in, I found out that we are actually visiting a “metal-making” industry. The first stage is the red hot iron. When the iron comes out of the furnace it is red in colour. Even we stand about 70 metres away from the iron, I can still feel the heat that comes out of the iron. Then the iron is begin cool down by several of water spray. For the first time the iron is spray by the water, the colour of the iron is still red and this shows that the iron is not cool down yet. The water that touches the iron turns into steam you can also hear the sound. After that the metal is made into thinner pieces and turn into iron coil or something like that. The machine that turns the iron into coil produce a very loud sound, but I am not sure what is happening inside that machine. Then after that, the trip end and we board the bus back. The bus keeps walks the wrong route and ended up we took about 2 hours to get to a shopping mall where we went before. But on the way going back we walk pass some places that are still delevoping and is quite fresh to see it. Then we took lunch in school. then after lunch, we went back to our rooms and rest awhile and go to class again. Then in class, today is a lecture on topics 3. Mr.Ma talks about the topic 3 for quite a while. I see and notes and try to do the example. At first, we felt a bit lost in the topic, but as the Mr.Ma speaks deeper in the topic, the more questions mark came out in our brain. This keeps on continue until the lessons end. Then after lesson we went to play basketball and after that we go for dinner. Then at around 8.30pm, my friends come to our dorm and play poker. We bet the excirse that we want to do. We played from 8.30 to 11.15 and ended up I do 300 push up, 150 crucnhes and 175 jumping jack. Then after that I bath and end a day like this.
We have to wear safety helm before we can go in

day 13

Today I woke up at 8. Nothing new, same as usual, I met my friends and went breakfast with them. Then go class together. Today in class we have to do or to continue our lab 2. Which is the T-shirt program. The project starts before we went to the three gorges. I had done some before I went there. So I thought I could slack and rest a bit in the class. I rest a while and do a bit till lunch time. During lunch I ate fried rice and after eating we all went back to our rooms and rest. I went to the toilet and squad there for a while and do some “big business”. After the “business” I went to sleep awhile in my bed and at 2 plus we went out to class again to continue our lesson. The afternoon lesson, the teacher says that he want us to submit lab2 before we can go. But I have only done it half way. So I quickly “chiong” the lab2 myself and after writing all the code I found out I had some errors. After a few times of checking, I found out the errors and fix it. After the afternoon lesson, we have a dancing and singing session with the china students there. We went in into the place where the event is hold. We were all split into 14 different groups. I am group with Ernest. Actually me and Ernest does not belong to the same group, is just that he changed with someone. Then after that the program starts. The host of the event is by the china class chairman. They starts off the event with some singing by their class singers. Then some introduction of our self. Then is some performance by us. But we do not have anything to perform. So we all are in a panic. Then kennith want shu gen to sing but shu gen do not wanted to. So shu gen approach me and ask me to sing with him, i did not think much that time and promised him because this is really last minute work. We went to the backstage and find some songs to sing. After a long search, we both finally a song and sing it together. Before we perform, I am really very nervous as I had never perform singing in front of such a large group before. Finally is our turn to perform and frankly speaking me I find that we perform not as bad as I thought. I can say that it is better than I thought. After the performance, we go into the center of the stage and dance together. The best thing I saw in the day was Mr.Ma dancing along with the music. Then after that we went out for dinner and I had some fried noodles. This is my first time eating fired noodles in china. Then after we bought some bread for breakfast tomorrow and went back to our room and end a day like this.

Nervous before performing...

During performance

After performance