Friday, April 17, 2009

day 35

Today I wake up at 7. We are suppose to meet at 8am. Then I quickly brush up and prepare and wait for my friend in the living room. Everyday Ben is the one that come down to call us, but today we went up to call him. Then after that we rush to canteen to have our breakfast. But when we are buying half way, a guy called us to hurry, so we rush to the place where we bbq there. When we reach there, we are the first course that reached there. So while waiting for other course people to come, the instructor there went to play a game with us. The game is about cents and dollars, boys are 50 cents and girls are 1 dollars. Then when the instructor calls for a amount we are suppose to from up that amount. Those we fail to form up that amount will do something. Then after that the people from other courses came. Then we were divided into 4 groups and start to design our own flag and come up with our own cheer. Then after that we are suppose to use newspaper to make the rails of a tank wheel and all of us must be inside the rail. Then after that activity is lunch break and we have time to rest till 1pm and meet at 1.15. When we were back from the break, we went to played some “tall games”. The first one is we need climb to the top and jump down, the second one is to tied your hand and fall down from a height and trust the guys from below to catch you. The last one is rock climbing. Then after that, we went for dinner and call it a day.
Today’s first activity, I think that the activity is quite good to “sabo” your own friends, as long you have enough people, you can kick them out. Then they have no more time to find others and they will get it. Then for the second one it has a bit of challenge, the challenge is at the part where you have to jump to another board. When you are jumping, at the same time you are looking at below too. But I do not know how I manage to jump over. The third activity, I just count down and trust those below catching me, because I think that they won’t let me fall. The rock climbing activity is the most challenging one. It put my perseverance and strength to test. At first, it was quite smooth but half way through I stop and think for a moment but I still manage to continue moving up. But when I was about to reach the end, I struggle there for very long, because both my legs and hand are too short to reach the other rock. So I tried to jump to hold the other rock. In the end both my legs and hands are out of energy and let off the rock and I fell down. I knew that I am not able to make it to the top, but neither do I knew that I climb quite high. The struggling part is the part I am disappoint of. Because I thought that I can reach at first, but eventually I can’t touch the other rock.

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