Thursday, March 26, 2009

day 20

Today I wake up at 8 plus. This is because the lesson at 9 is change to 10. I get off the bed slowly and prepare my things. Then we meet our friend as usual and went to canteen and have our breakfast. Then after our breakfast, we walk straight to class. In class is we continue lab4 again as some of the people have no finish the work. I walk around the class and talk to my friends. Today’s morning lesson past really very fast and did not even notice that it is lunch time already. We pack up our things and went for lunch. On the way to the canteen, there were a lot of china students going to the canteen too. The number of student is really that much that we think that the building will collapse. So we went back to our room and wait for 1 pm for our lunch. Then back to our room, I saw a movie that is show in the movie, the movie is so nice that I do not even want to have my lunch. That movie is about a family of martial arts learner who has an important card that contains information about some secret forces. Then after that, we went for our lunch and the whole canteen is totally empty only a few students and us. Then we went back to class for the afternoon lesson. Today afternoon’s lesson is different from other lessons. Today’s lesson our lecturer gave a trail lab test as tomorrow is our trail lab test. The actual test is about 1hour, but our lecture gave us one and half hour to do. We start the lab and I took about one hour and fifteen minutes to finish it. I am quite worry about for the test tomorrow as I only have one hour to complete the test. After that, we went back to the room and rest for a while. Then after that we went for our dinner. After dinner, we went back to our room to bath and rest and study on tomorrow test and end a day like this.

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