Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 25

Today I wake up at 7.20, we are going to visit a park and go for shopping. I brush up and have my breakfast and went out to meet my friends. Today the weather is raining and I was feeling freezing cold. The cold is like stinging at my skin. I regretted that I left my coat in the room. I did not bring it because I thought that the weather should be fine like the past few days, in the end today weather is the coldest in this week. We all were very punctual and meet at the gate at 8.15. but the tour guide says that the bus will be late for 10 mins, so we went off to the nearest canteen and bought some hot tea to keep us warm. After we bought the tea, the bus also just arrived. We board the bus and move on to our denstiation. The trip took around only 1 hour which is faster than we thought. When we alight the bus the rain is still very heavy. We all stopped at the shelter for 5 – 10 mins and our teacher says that the visit to the park is cancel, and today’s trip is only shop at their street. So we follow the tour guide and run towards the street and we ended up in their fast food restaurant. The restaurant sells rice and other things that a fast food restaurant will sell. I ordered their rice and try. I was quite disappointed because the rice they give is so little and the drinks in the set meal is like the size of a happy meal cup. After that , we went on shopping. We first visited a few shops, but the weather is too cold and is raining, me and some of my friends almost did not want to continue shopping. They bought some umbrella and lend it to us for us to shop with them. So we took the umbrella they bought and went shopping. The whole streets sells sports shoe and jackets ,shirts and clothes and pants all that. You can also find most of the branded stuffs like nike, addias, and some other brand that you may haven seen it before. While shopping, there are people there asking you to buy nike shoes and stuffs like that. These people sells fake stuffs and according to our tour guide this people will ask you to follow them into a street and force you to but stuffs from them if you follow them. We ignore them and continue shopping. At around 1.30, me and two other friends went to have our lunch while the others continue shopping. We went back to the first shop and eat. We eat and slack till around 2.30pm, our friends came to meet us and we took the bus back to our school. On the way back some of them wanted to go a street where all the fake goods are sold. Ended up some of them become most of them went to the street expect for me and 7 other people. The bus alight them at the street and continue moving on to send us back to school. when I reach school I went back to my room and wash my clothes and played games till 8. Me and ben went to canteen to have our dinner and on the way back we saw the rest of the groups coming back from the street. We all went back to the room together and slack till 9.30 for briefing. After the briefing, I bathed and played some games and end a day like this. I slept quite late because it is free and easy tomorrow. And then 17 more days to back home.

The shop where we had our breakfast and lunch

A picture outside the park

A picture with the tour guide

A picture from our reflection in the mirror

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