Thursday, March 26, 2009

day 19

Today I woke up at 6.30. we are suppose to meet at 6.30 with the rest of the groups. I was shock by the time that I woke up. I quickly brush up and pack up everything and check out of the hotel. Then we went back to the same place to have our breakfast. The breakfast there is very awful, expect for the buns and the soya milk. Then after we board the bus and go to wudang mountain again. For today’s trip we are going to take the cable car and take it to the peak of wudang mountain. When we reach the place where we take the cable car, the place is fully pack with people and the queue was really very long. So we quickly join in the queue. After 15 minutes of waiting, we find that the queue is not moving at all, so we look out of the queue and found out that the china people are trying to cut in the queue and some even succeed in cutting in. we were all very mad with this and we decide to try to stop those people from cutting the queue. Then there is one time a lady trying to cut the queue from our back. We face her with our back and ignore her. She kept shouting and shouting but we still did not move. She was so mad and leave and start scolding. Then my friends were mad too and start scolding back. In the end she got scolded from us and moved out quietly. Then there is another time some old lady tried to cut our queue and we stop them and ended up she say we youngster are trying to bully her. In the end our tour guide and even the security guard went out and sent them off. After a 2 hours long of queue we finally manage to take the cable car. Me and Kennith share a cable car. The view out from the cable car is better than anything you can see. You can look down of the mountain while moving, it feels like you are flying along the mountain. The whole trip takes about 20 minutes and we finally reach the end of the cable trip. Then we climb up a few more stairs and finally we reach the peak of WUDANG MOUNTAIN. The view there is really beautiful, it makes you feels that the whole wudang is in your hands. Then after we went down by taking the cable car, and still the same we took about 2 more hours queuing up and to take the cable car down. After that we went for lunch and take the bus straight back to our school. The journey takes about 6 hours, but it feels very long, longer than 6 hours. After we reach outside the school, we went out to buy some food from the food stall and went back to our room and bath and sleep and end a day like this.

Queuing up waiting for our to take the car....

Harassment by other while queuing...
Still queuing....

Finally in cable (Me and Kennith)

Photo taken in cable car. Look at the other cabale car

Another photo taken form the view of the cable car

At the stairs of the moutian trying to get to the top...

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