Sunday, April 5, 2009

day 24

Today I wake up at 8.30. This is because we are going to visit a cable and fibre making factory. I brush up and prepare and meet my friends and we went for breakfast. We had our breakfast in canteen 2, which is the first canteen that we had our first breakfast in china. It is around 9.15 am when we reach the canteen, and at this time most of the food are already sold out already and left only a few things to eat. I bought a bowl of noodles, the noodles is salty and oily when u mix with the sauce. But if u don’t the noodles will taste nicer. After a fatty breakfast, we went to meet the others in front the main building of the school. We board the bus and move to the factory. The trip is only about 15 to 20 minutes, it is faster than I expected. Then we walk into the main hall and they explain to use the process of making their product. Then after that, we went to visit the real process of their product. We are only allow to see one only .so we went to visit how they product their product. The process is first the clean the materials, after that they clean in, the pump in 2-3 types of gases into the materials. Then after that we see some wires that can be 200km long. Actually the whole process is very hard to understand, and the only thing I know is the factory helps their customer to make what they want. After that, we went back to school and when we reach they school we went straight for our lunch and after that we went back to our room. Then back in the room, I played some games and the others they studied because we have a test at 4 pm. I also studied, but I did that after my games. At around 3.30, we all went out of our room and went to class. We sat in the class and get ready for the test. The test is not so hard for me but still there are also some question that beats me. After the test, we all intend to eat, but on our way to the canteen the rain is getting heavier and heavier, so we decide to go back. Back in the room I play games again and wait for my friends to call for us for dinner. We wait till 7 to have our dinner, and after that we went out to buy some bread as the breakfast for tomorrow. Then back in the room, we played poker again. This time I did only 125 push up. we played till 11, then they all went back to their room and I bath and played some games again and end a day like this. 18 days more to be back in Singapore.

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