Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 28

Today I wake up at 8. This is consider late as the class starts at 9. I quickly brush up and prepare and wait for the others in the living room. I quickly brush up and prepare and wait for the others in the living room. Then we reach the canteen at about 9.30,but by the time we reach there, we still have enough time to eat and sit. We went to class after that. Today’s lesson is about lab 7, which our teacher says that it is the most important chapter in the whole module. I close my laptop and pay attention to the class. But same as yesterday, I still cannot understand a thing about the chapter expect for the first few part of the chapter. The lecture and tutorial last for the whole morning lessons, after that we went for lunch and after lunch, we went back to our room and found out that we have 1 and a half hour more before the lesson start. So I went back and sleep, and other of my friends went to play cards or watch television. So still the same as yesterday, I woke up at 1.30 and leave the room at 1.50. When we reach the class, we were asked to do lab 7. So I took out the worksheet and started to do the lab. I went around the class and look at others coding for reference, but I still do not know how to do even after looking at their work. My friend saw me sitting there and came over and teach me and I understand about the lab after he thought me. After that we had our dinner and went back to room and end a day like that.

Sometimes even you pay attention and listen to your teachers words will not help you in any module. This is because you never even understand a thing. This is what i learn from today. knowing a thing withour understanding it is equal to learn nothing

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