Thursday, March 26, 2009

day 8

Today I wake up at 8am. I still the same, I meet with me and my friends and go and have breakfast together. Then after that we went to class and have our lessons. Today class is to present our powerpoint sildes about Singapore and wuhan to the teacher. So we all are exicted and of course at the same time nervous. As more and more groups finish presenting, our turn is getting nearer and nearer. Finally is our turn. we spilt ourselves up and get ready to present. The teacher asked us to start our presentation. Cris starts off with the intro and other s things then me then shu gen, and finally kennith. The presentation went smooth for me, and I think we did it quite well. Then we went to have our lunch. Then after lunch I wash my clothes and go to class again. The afternoon class was the same nothing new. But today our teacher release us at 3 plus. It was like 2 hr b4 the real dismal time. Then we went to play basketball and had our dinner. Today our dinner, we had fishball soup and some vegetables and tofu. We took our dinner at the restaurant. We expect our whole meal to be around 120 -150 rmb, but in the end, we only pay 100rmb!!! That was really cheap. After that we went to a bread shop and buy some bread and go back to our room. Then this goes another more day.

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